Holzberg Jeseníky | accommodation, wellness, restaurant | +420 722 175 749 | recepce@holzberg-jeseniky.cz

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Where and how?

The surroundings of Karlova Studánka, Malá Morávka and Suchá Rudná offers great possibilities to spend summer and winter holidays in the beautiful region of the Hrubý Jeseník mountain range. The area will satisfy tourists, bikers, skiers, lovers of extreme sports as well as the fans of history who can compare the present and historical state of the region on the photographs displayed in the conservatory of the hotel.

The whole of the Hrubý Jeseník mountain range offers long hiking trails and biking routes and kilometers of routes for downhill and cross-country skiing where you can learn about the beauties of the surroundings, about historical sights, spa resorts, castles, view-towers, lakes and many other attractions.



Jeseníky jsou protkány kilometry turistických stezek...

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... a kilometry rozmanitých cyklotras.

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Přitažlivé turistické cíle a mnohé zajímavosti z Hrubého Jeseníku.

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View towers

View towers

Nezapomenutelné pohledy z ptačí perspektivy.

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Downhill skiing resort

Downhill skiing resort

Báječné zážitky ze zimních středisek.

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Cross-country skiing trails

Cross-country skiing trails

Několikakilometrové běžecké tratě pro všechny lyžaře.

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Malebné obce, překrásné zámky a hrady, historické památky.

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Spa - natural vitality

Spa - natural vitality

Horké a studené léčivé prameny, relaxační a regenerační pobyty.

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